Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Blogging from Home

I am acutally [sad to say] my mom has had the stomach flu all week, and now she gave it to me. So I am blogging from home. I feel bad, because my partners use my pod.o.matic for this project, but if they text me or facebook me I can give them the password, so that they can continue. I am really really really really really sorry =[. I wasn't expecting to become this sick, or to leave anyone hanging. But I know that my partners are a little left behind with the blog and technology, but I'm sure Prof. Luongo will help you guys out to get it like a pro.

Lol at least ill get a grade for acutally bloggging today hehe =].... i should get some credit hehe i hear i was a nice topic for discussion =]


  1. LeighAnn,

    We missed you. However, your absence gave us a topic to discuss--having students who are absent still be part of the class.

    Thank you for posting!
    Feel better.

  2. LeighAnn,
    I hope you feel better. You know I missed you today. I'm sorry I bothered you this morning with my texts...haha =] Hope to see you soon.

  3. lol it was funny beczuse while they were on pod o mattic i was from my home computer and i was listening to them do it as well.. soon enough this is going to be an online class lol.. =]
